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Faculty & Administration

Faculty & Administration

Psalm 111:10 "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom;
A good understanding have all those who do His commandments.
His praise endures forever."

Administrator: Adam Jeffers (

Mr. Jeffers is new to the Jefferson Christian Academy family. He is a graduate of Virginia Tech, has a master's from Liberty University and is certified as a cirriculum developer by the Department of Defense. He is currently serving as the administrator and teaches computer science and Bible.    

Assistant Administrator: Mrs Amber Duncan (

Ms. Duncan has served with Jefferson Christian Academy for 9 years and is an expert on our grants and scholarship programs. She works with families and students to ensure that their experience at JCA is absolutely the best by setting up tutors and academic mentors for the students at JCA. She also is integral in managing daily activities within the school. Additionally she teaches a Bible course daily for our middle schoolers

Office Manager: Sharon Booth (

Mrs. Booth is a true professional that has over 20 years expierience as an office manager. She manages the finances and daily operation of the school. 

Kindergarten - Kim Breeding (
1st Grade - Anna McCroskey (
2nd Grade - Aliana Reed (
3rd Grade - Lois Phlegar (
4th Grade - Natalie Grimmet (
5th Grade - Toma Eaton (
Middle School / High School - Rachel Spencer (

Rachel Spencer is a graduate of West Coast Baptist College. She served on the Jicarilla Apache Reservation in Dulce, New Mexico for six years. She also has 14 years of expierence as a elemantary and high school teacher. Additionally she serves as the athletic director and JV volleyball coach for the school.

Middle School / High School - Meredith Vaughan (
Middle School / High School - Emily Price (
Middle School / High School - Jenny Thompson (
Physical Education - Rene Fields (